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Updated: Sep 23, 2019

10 Best Free Video Editing Software to Use in 2019

Images might be worth a thousand words, but sometimes you just need to create a video to truly get your message across. No matter if it is a beautiful project for your photography website or the latest product release on your eCommerce website, you should be able to bring any creative idea to life.

The most common fear or challenge when it comes to video creation is the editing process, as many see it as a daunting task beyond their technical skills or budget. Unbeknownst to most, however, there is a wide selection of great free video editing software programs available for all types of projects and technical skills levels. To ensure you find the one that better fits your specific needs and skills, we have put together a handpicked selection of the most amazing video editors you can use for free.

Here are the best free video editing software you can use in 2019:

1. Lightworks

2. Shotcut

3. iMovie

4. HitFilm Express

5. VSDC Free Video Editor

6. DaVinci Resolve

7. VideoPad

8. Openshot

9. Blender

10. Avidemux

11. Bonus: Wix Video Maker

Best for: Visually outstanding films.

What do Shutter Island, The Wolf of Wall Street, and Pulp Fiction have in common? Lightworks was used in the production of all of them. It is one of the most powerful video editors available in the industry, and you can have a slimmed-down version of the professional suite at no cost. Among others, the free version includes auto-save, multicam editing, project sharing, video capture, high-precision trimming, color correction, and real-time effects. The most noticeable limitation is that you’ll only be able to export MPEG-4 720p files.

The + : Extensive tutorial library, advanced features, auto-save function

The - : Challenging to master, restricted output format, requires a fast computer

Platforms: Windows, Mac, and Linux

Paid version: Lightworks Pro for $24.99/mo, $174.99 per year, or $437.99 for life


Best for: 4K video projects.

Its quirky interface might throw you off at first, but remember that you should never judge a book by its cover. Shotcut is a powerful open source video editor that offers pretty much any feature hobbyists will ever need, including color correction, transitions, video capture, waveform, histogram, 4K resolution support, and timeline editing. Furthermore, you’ll be able to use multiple dockable panels to customize the interface to match your needs.

The + : 4K resolutions support, flexible interface, wide selection of filters and effects

The - : Steep learning curve, limited tools, quirky interface

Platforms: Windows, Mac, and Linux

Paid version: No


03. iMovie

Best for: Mac users.

If you’re a Mac user getting familiar with video shooting basics, look no further - the best free video editing software for you has been in your computer all along. iMovie offers a large selection of essential features wrapped up in a drag-and-drop based intuitive interface. The most popular tools offered in the program include trimming, audio editing, split screen, and ready-made transitions.

If your passion for Apple extends to mobile devices, you’ll be happy to read that you can start your projects from your iPhone or iPad and then finish on your Mac.

The + : User friendly, supports 4K, wide range of sharing options

The - : Lacking popular tools, limited output selections, only for Mac users

Platforms: Mac

Paid version: No


Best for: Experienced video creators.

The wide array of features offered by HitFilm Express make it a great choice for video creators of all levels. Higher level tools such as keying for green screen effects, 3D video, compositing tools, and 4K support make it an attractive platform for emerging filmmakers. Meanwhile, the intuitive interface, basic tools, and numerous tutorials are appealing to beginners. Other popular features include lens distortion correction, advanced cutting and trimming, layers and masking, and 360 degree video editing.

The + : Playback options, flexible export tools, 3D compositing

The - : Fast computer required, paid features, slow export performance

Platforms: Windows and Mac

Paid version: HitFilm Pro for $299


Best for: Adding effects and text.

VSDC is the best Windows-native free video editing software. While its interface might put off beginners at first, the program is actually really easy to use. In fact, it even includes a wizard you can run to make things easier. VSDC is the preferred editor when it comes to creating presentations, as its strengths lay in the ability to add text, lines, charts, filters, and special effects.

The + : 4K support, audio and video filters, intuitive interface

The - : Complex interface, limited features, only for Windows

Platforms: Windows

Paid version: VSDC Pro for $19.99


Best for: Professional color correction.

Many consider DaVinci Resolve to be the most advanced free editing software available in the market. This is primarily due to its mighty color correction and audio capabilities, which are often used on big-budget TV productions and films. On top of these two professional-level features, DaVinci Resolve offers advanced tools such as multicam editing, motion graphics, video effects, and facial recognition.

The + : Powerful color correction tools, professional audio post production, collaborative working

The - : Paid tutorials, fast computer needed, learning curve

Platforms: Windows, Mac, and Linux

Paid version: DaVinci Resolve Studio for $299


Best for: Social media video creation.

In recent years, social media networks have become an absolute must for professionals of all areas - from photographers and illustrators to models and entrepreneurs. As a result, the need for simple and intuitive free video editing software is at an all-time high. This is the main focus of VideoPad, which supports effects, transitions, text overlay, video stabilization, narration, and more - all within a drag-and-drop interface. Furthermore, the program makes it incredibly easy to export your videos to YouTube, Facebook, Google Drive, and mobile devices.

The + : Intuitive interface, supports a wide range of video formats, direct export to social networks

The - : Lacks advanced features, only for non-commercial use, paid add-ons

Platforms: Windows and Mac

Paid version: VideoPad lifetime license for $60 or $99, or monthly subscription for $5.50/mo


Best for: Beginners.

Many see Openshot as an open source, cross-platform version of iMovie due to its drag-and-drop interface. However, this free video editing software actually offers a wider range of tools than its Apple-native comparison. Openshot includes both basic and advanced features, such as clip resizing, trimming, scaling, image overlays, title templates, subtitles, key frame animation, and video transitions. The easy-to-use interface allows beginners to get the hang of the program quickly and use it to develop their video creation knowledge as they move towards more advanced tools.

The + : Easy-to-use interface, user forum, drag-and-drop capabilities

The - : Occasional lag, limited tools, not many tutorials

Platforms: Windows, Mac, and Linux

Paid version: No


Best for: Advanced projects.

Initially developed as an advanced 3D animation suite, Blender has gained a spot in the computers of video creators all over the globe. While this open source video editing software offers a great mix of basic and advanced tools, its wide array of features makes it harder for inexperienced creators to learn their way around the program. Among others, Blender includes the following features: live preview, VFX, modeling, audio mixing and synching, animation, 2D and 3D drawing, speed control, and 32 medis slots.

The + : Extensive list of features, 3D animation, VFX

The - : Steep learning curve, few support resources, most tutorials focus solely on animation

Platforms: Windows, Mac, and Linux

Paid version: No


Best for: Quick edits.

If you’re looking for a free video editing software for quick basic tasks, Avidemux might just be the perfect match. This open source platform boosts an easy to use interface that allows beginners to feel comfortable and start working rapidly. The most popular features in the editor include cutting, trimming, encoding, and filtering. Furthermore, you’ll be able to change file extensions and output any major video formats.

Due to its simplicity, Avidemux takes a significantly smaller space than other programs making it a great choice for slower computers. On the downside, users report that the video editor is prone to crashing and you should be saving your project every so often.

The + : User friendly, automated tasks, custom scripting capabilities

The - : Limited features, hard to use intricate features, prone to crashing

Platforms: Windows, Mac, and Linux

Paid version: No


11. Bonus: Wix Video Maker

Best for: Basic video editing.

With Wix Video Maker you’ll be able to create beautiful clips to share on your social media accounts within a few minutes. This free video editor allows you to add up to 15 pictures or videos on a professionally designed template, and customize its text, design, and music.

All you need to do to access this tool is open your Wix website’s editor, select ‘Marketing Tools’ on the left panel, and then click ‘Video Maker.’ Afterwards, simply select the template you want to work with and start adding in your content and choosing your design elements.

The + : Ready-made templates, easy to use, extensive sharing options

The - : Only for Wix users - but then again, why would you not be one?

Platforms: Web

Paid version: No


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The 9 Laws

Law #1 - The Hick-Hyman Law

Have you ever heard of the Hick-Hyman Law?

It states that the amount of time required for a consumer to make a decision is directly correlated to how many options that consumer has.

You’ve probably heard of the study that showed that people were less likely to buy jam in a supermarket if they were shown 12 samples of jam, rather than just 6.

You need your customers to make a simple, easy decision to buy with you or work with you as quickly as possible.

Limiting the information overload they experience upon visiting your website is crucial.

The best way to utilise the Hick-Hyman Law is to figure out what you want from your customer the most, then optimise for that.

Just a few tabs or rows on a sidebar will do, don’t swamp your customer with options, like Overstock did in the example below.

Law #2 - The Law of Action

CTA’s (Call to Action’s) are essential for any website. Odds are, you know what CTA’s are, or at least you should.

CTA’s solicit the customer with a request to engage with your website in a meaningful way (I.e. book a consultation, order now, etc.)

Many websites include CTA's as a pop-up, but CTA's can be used in other ways, too. Even simple messages encouraging customers to follow through shopping increases the checkout process rates.

With many of my clients, simply adding a CTA can increase customer conversion by 60%.

Law #3 - The Law of Thirds

The Law of Thirds is based on the rule of thirds in photography.

In photography, you’re supposed to visually divide an image into thirds both horizontally and vertically, which leaves you with nine squares.

The four middle intersections of the squares are natural points of interests for viewers.

Images and text at these intersections have the most impact.

Many websites place their most important subjects on these intersections. You don’t have to design your website strictly according to this, but rather, consider this a worthy guide.

In fact, many websites don’t include the navigation bar anywhere in these intersections, because they prefer their call to action (CTA) to be on these intersections.

Law #4 - The Law of Speed

Customers are incredibly impatient. The internet has been around for more than 20 years, and customers are accustomed to fast, reliable, attractive websites.

One study by the Aberdeen Group stated that a mere one second delay in page load time results in a 7% reduction in conversions.

Run your website through any one of these tools for insights into what slows down your website and how to fix it:

Google PageSpeed Insights Kingdom GTmetrix

KeyCDN Sucuri

Law #5 - The Law of F

Researchers have found that a user’s natural eye behavior pattern when browsing the web is an “F” pattern.

Most people, and especially ones in English speaking countries, read from left to right and then down the page.

So naturally, the first points of interest for a customer are the top line across the webpage, then down the page to the next section along the left side, then across and down again. Like so:

So again, anything you want your customer to do or read can be aligned in these hot sections.

Law #6 - The Law of 8 Seconds

The average human’s attention span is 8 seconds.

Every business must capture that attention as quickly as possible and utilize it before it is lost.

To grab attention and boost conversions within those 8 seconds:

Use a large, benefit-driven headline that is brief and to the point. Use eye-catching imagery that conveys the main point or purpose of your page and draws the eye towards your main call to action.

Make signup buttons large, simple and clear.

Use power words to make your copy more enticing and engaging. Incorporate multimedia such as video, audio, or other interactive content.

Use hover effects on your buttons (e.g. make them change color on mouse-over) to make them more satisfying to click.

Use animated exit-popups to re-engage visitors who lost interest.

Law #7 - The Law of Familiar Faces

Biologically, people are social animals. People love human faces. When people see faces, they are instantly triggered to feel a small emotional connection or to empathize with that person.

Tai Lopez, the famed internet marketer, regularly bashes websites without any human faces. He has pictures of himself on almost every page. This is his home page.

Putting a human face on your website's page instantly draws people in subconsciously.

Law #8 - The Law of Responsive Design

You have to ensure your website has a responsive design.

Appearing professional no matter where your customers are is of the utmost importance.

Nearly 60% of searches are now on mobile. Non-mobile websites will NOT rank. You can view your site’s responsiveness on

Law #9 - The Law of Originality


You have to be absolutely certain that your content is unique. Duplicate content can impact your rankings in search engines.

Search engine algorithms are designed to find copied text.

Depending on the severity of it, your rankings could suffer or be excluded altogether.

Test out to check your website.

What's Next?

These 9 Laws are the laws that I've used to redesign multiple local businesses and ecommerce stores over the past few months.

These businesses have gone from total obscurity on the the second and third pages of Google to the first page of Google where they get hundreds of customers in organic traffic every day.

These laws, combined with consistent, quality SEO can take any business no matter how small or new to being highly regarded leaders in their industry and be swamped with new customers.

It's my hope that this guide will help you gain control of your website's conversion and customer acquisition.

If you'd like to speak with my team and I more about customizing this guide for your business and more marketing strategy, we'd love to talk to you. There is never any pressure on our calls. Our

goal is to figure out where you need help, and how you can get that help.

If you'd like to book a strategy session with us, follow the link below.

Apply to work with us at:

02476 016176

0752 500 6255

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One Expert’s Local SEO Tips for Helping Clients Rank on Page One

Updated: May 29


A lot of people can design websites for fun. Yet, not everyone can build high-performing sites that deliver on the stated business goals of their clients. Jordan Beynon has risen to the challenge, though.

Over the past two years, the web designer and SEO expert has successfully executed multiple local SEO campaigns. His work has generated greater visibility for his clients, plus well-earned credentials that Jordan can use to attract new customers.

It’s that mix of expertise and proven results that made us want to sit down and learn from him. Below, he shares three case studies about implementing local SEO for small business clients, and the strategies and tips you need to know for how to do local SEO - and see the impact.

Meet Jordan Beynon, local SEO expert

Jordan got his start with Wix after the agency he works at full-time switched over to using the platform. He quickly took note of its high impact: That company is now able to produce websites at a much faster rate and at a more affordable price point to their clients.

Watching those results, Jordan took it upon himself to learn more about Wix and its capabilities. Eventually, he opened his own freelance web design business on the side, called Fourhands Designs, followed by an SEO consultancy. Because his primary agency focuses exclusively on the dentistry industry, he saw the opportunity to use his spare time to build websites and devise marketing strategies for clients coming from other fields.

What is local seo and why is it important for your clients

Let’s start by quickly reviewing why local SEO is so important. When working with a client whose business has a physical location, your SEO strategy should include exposing this information to Google.

That’s because geo-targeted content generally fares better on the SERPs (search engine results pages). It’s all a part of Google’s continued effort to tailor their suggestions to a user’s location.

When you get your client ranking higher on the SERPs, organic traffic really has a chance to show off its might. It’s the ideal domino reaction for you and your client: A more prominent placement on Google usually captures the attention of more web visitors. And an increase in interest can translate into a higher conversion rate for the client.

To set this sequence into motion, pay attention to these major local SEO ranking factors:

· External linking: Placing links to your client’s site on external pages builds up its domain authority, and creates more virtual pathways to lead visitors back there. Achieve this by submitting your client’s site to online directories, starting off with Google My Business. Also open accounts for them on social media channels and place links to the website in their bios.

· NAP (name, address, and phone number): This information improves a search engine’s understanding of your client’s business, making it easier to know when it would be a relevant result to display. Do so by publishing these basics every place where your client has an online presence, making sure to keep the details consistent throughout. Other examples of helpful categories to include are: opening hours, a Google map section of the website, and directions to the physical space. Prominently displaying a client’s NAP also makes it so simple for web visitors to find the essential information they need to reach your client. With those details in hand, they can take a big step along the road to becoming a customer.

· On-page SEO: Help Google help their users who are looking for local solutions. Add the geographic location of your client’s business to the metadata (SEO titles and descriptions) of various pages on their site, so the search engine knows to associate it with a specific area. While the homepage is the main focus, most other pages are suitable for this kind of optimization, as well.

Keeping these tips in mind, let’s dive into the three local SEO case studies of clients Jordan has worked with. We’ll break down the challenge, the strategy, and the results he was able to achieve for each of these local businesses.

Local SEO case study #1: Marketpreneurs

The background: This London-based customer acquisition agency already had a Wix website for a good year or so before Jordan came on board. The client had created the website himself, and had written an impressive collection of blog posts over that time. We’re talking about over 150 pieces of unique content.

The challenge: To get Marketpreneurs to rank competitively on Google for its keywords:

· ‘Customer acquisition agency in London’

· ‘Customer acquisition agency London’

· ‘Customer acquisition agency’

At the end of January 2019, before the project began, Marketprenuers wasn’t ranking in the top one hundred for a single one of them. Jordan was up against a visibility problem.

The strategy: Jordan has his own personal 28-point checklist of optimizations that he breaks out for all projects like this one. With that roadmap in mind, he went about reviewing each factor and implementing any needed changes.

He placed special emphasis on improving the website’s speed, knowing how a faster loading time could positively impact the site’s SEO.

Because the client had already produced so much content, there was no need for a big overhaul. Instead, Jordan collaborated with the client to identify some new pages to add to the website, in addition to fine-tuning the SEO of what already existed, with an emphasis on the homepage.

The results: Within a month of Jordan’s intervention, Marketprenuer saw some major shifts in how it was ranking for their keywords.

· ‘Customer acquisition agency in London’ was at position four.

· ‘Customer acquisition agency London’ was at position ten.

· Customer acquisition agency’ was at position thirteen.

When we spoke, at the end of March 2019, Jordan performed a search on the query, 'customer acquisition agency in London.' There Marketprenuers was, at the acclaimed position zero.


As of April 2019, a little over one year later, Marketpreneurs is ranking in position zero for their keyword, ‘customer acquisition agency in London.’

Local SEO case study #2: The Jar

The background: When The Jar, a healthy vending machine provider, first approached Jordan, they had no online presence whatsoever. After a year of working with him, they are now outfitted with their own new website - and an impressive SEO record.

The challenge: Moving The Jar from having zero online presence to identifying their keywords and getting them to rank high on Google.


Back in March 2018, before Jordan began his SEO efforts, the first page of Google results for the query ‘Healthy vending London’ displayed no mention of The Jar.


A March 2019 Google Maps listing for search term ‘Healthy vending machines London.’

The strategy: Jordan first advised them to submit their business to Google My Business, and then start gathering customer reviews on Google. These actions would serve two purposes. First, they would alert the search engine to The Jar’s presence. Second, they would give the business authority - always a valuable factor for good SEO.

While their website might not be huge, Jordan underscored that it was about “getting the right content in the right places.” With that strategic move, he could still propel the site to top performance levels.

Jordan initially focused on the phase ‘Healthy vending London.’ Once this was achieved, he optimized for ‘Healthy vending machines London.’

The results: After one year of working together with Jordan, the The Jar went from having nothing online to being in position one on the SERP for ‘Healthy vending machines London’ and ‘Healthy vending London.’ Take it straight from the client:

"Fourhands Designs created us an online presence, which, within less than six months, provided us enquiries worth ten times our initial investment." - Yuri, The Jar

Jordan continues to provide ongoing SEO services in the form of bespoke blog creation and distribution, in coordination with his team of copywriters. He meets with The Jar once a month to look at the analytics, discuss the growth they see, and make tweaks and changes as needed.


By May 2019, The Jar was appearing on the first page of the SERPs for search term ‘Healthy vending London.’


SERP for query ‘Healthy vending machines London’ in May 2019.


A May 2019 Google Maps listing for search term ‘Healthy vending machines London.’


May 2019 Google Maps listing of The Jar boasts a full business profile, complete with their hours of operation, a contact phone number, and a link to their website.

Local SEO case study #3: Phoenix Eye Wing Tsun Association

The background: Phoenix Eye Wing Tsun Association (PEWTA) is a wing tsun martial arts school. The Association was formed in 2018 when several individual schools in London - each with their own website - decided to unite and create one organization.

With that merger, they contacted Jordan to build a new umbrella website to match. Part of that process was redirecting all of the old URLs to the new address, in a way that passed on the historical SEO value of the old domains.

The challenge: Establishing an online presence for an association that didn’t exist before.

The strategy: Jordan has approached PEWTA’s local SEO in two stages.

First up was ensuring they appear for a search of their name. As Jordan always advises his clients:

“You have to be ranking on page one for your brand. If someone says, ‘You should check out these guys,’ and then they can’t find you on Google, that’s never a good start. Your priority needs to be appearing for your brand.”

“You have to be ranking on page one for your brand."

After seeing positive results on that front, it was time to expand PEWTA’s keyword reach to ‘Wing Tsun in London.’

The results: The first stage is already a success. Between his on-site optimization and submitting the business to relevant listings and directories, Jordan’s client is dominating page one for their brand, ‘Phoenix Eye Wing Tsun.’

There’s good news coming out of the second stage, as well. The Association is ranking in position three for ‘Wing Tsun in London.’ Because a lot of the websites listed above it have been around for longer, they have the added benefit of authority over time. But that’s something that the recently-launched PEWTA site will soon come to rival.


As of May 2019, PEWTA is dominating page one for the brand, seen by searching ‘Phoenix Eye Wing Tsun.’


By May 2019, PEWTA was appearing in the local pack display and position two for ‘Wing Tsun in London.’

As Jordan says, “I don’t just do website design. It’s more than that. It’s online growth, visibility, and how to market the business. The website is an extension of the business. It needs to convert the traffic that views it.”

“The website is an extension of the business.”

This is the holistic approach he brings to each of his projects, collaborating with his clients to ensure strong local business SEO is a cornerstone of their work together. In his words: “It’s more than just a pretty website.”

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